
Special Interest Group on C++

20 Jun 2020

What the actual const?

Sean Murthy

This post discusses the effect of const qualifications in pointer declarations, specifically the distinction between pointer constness and data constness. It first examines const qualifications of pointers to non-array data, and then examines const qualifications of pointers to array data, including arrays of pointers. In all cases, the post discusses declarations of variables, function parameters, and function return types. It assumes the reader is familiar with pointers and the relationship between arrays and pointers.

This post is motivated by the observation that those new to pointers tend to mistake data constness in a pointer declaration with pointer constness. It is also motivated by the need to emphasize the subtleties of parameter declarations in functions that receive arrays of pointers (such as command-line arguments).

But first, some advice: Avoid using pointers directly, and instead use references. Also prefer std::array over traditional arrays. However, there are situations where pointers and traditional arrays are the only/better choice, and in those cases use const qualification correctly to maximize safety.

1.   Pointers to non-array data

This section discusses the distinction between constness of pointer and constness of non-array data, both in the context of pointer declarations. “Non-array data” includes both fundamental types and objects (including container objects such as vectors, lists, and maps).

There are four permutations of pointer constness and data constness in the context of pointer declarations. Each permutation is due to a specific form of pointer declaration, which is in turn based on where the keyword const is placed. Listing A illustrates the four forms with a separate pointer variable declared using each form.

Note: The const keyword in a variable declaration is part of what is called the cv-qualifier-sequence.

This post uses the colloquial “West const” convention to place the const keyword (the same convention the C++ standard uses). The link included in Listing A’s caption shows code using both West const and “East const conventions.

Listing A: declaration forms of non-array pointers (run this code)
int main() {
    int a{ 5 }, b{ 8 };

    int* p1 = &a;              // variable ptr, variable data
    p1 = &b;                   // change ptr
    *p1 = 7;                   // change data; b = 7

    const int* p2 = &a;        // variable ptr, const data
    p2 = &b;                   // change ptr
    *p2 = 7;                   // error: can't change const data

    int* const p3 = &a;        // const ptr, variable data
    p3 = &b;                   // error: can't change const ptr
    *p3 = 9;                   // change data; a = 9

    const int* const p4 = &a;  // const ptr, const data
    p4 = &b;                   // error: can't change const ptr
    *p4 = 7;                   // error: can't change const data

The constness permutations and their corresponding declaration forms shown in Listing A are:

  1. int* p1: p1 can be assigned the address of any int, and it can be used to modify the value of the int to which it points at the time of modification. p1 can point to any number of ints over its lifetime.

    Read this declaration as “pointer to int”.

    This form is quite common for variable declarations. It is also used for a function parameter if the function is to cause a side effect (that is, modify the pointed data by dereferencing the pointer parameter).

  2. const int* p2: p2 can be assigned the address of any int, but it cannot be used to alter the value of the int to which it points. Like p1, p2 can point to any number of ints over its lifetime.

    Read this declaration as “pointer to const int”.

    This form is rare for variable declarations, but it is common for parameters where the function guarantees it does not modify the pointed data.

  3. int* const p3: p3 can be initialized with the address of only one int ever (and only at declaration), but it can be used to modify the value of the int to which it points. p3 can point to only one int over its lifetime.

    Read this declaration as “const pointer to int”.

    This form is rarely used for non-array pointers. Also, the use of this form is unnecessary in most cases because references provide an elegant alternative (a reference must be initialized at declaration and its binding cannot change after initialization). For example, use int& r = i; instead of int* const r = &i;. Likewise, receive function parameters by reference as in void trim(std::string& s);

    This form could potentially be useful to store the address of dynamically-allocated data to ensure that the pointer is not overwritten, perhaps to ensure that the address is available for freeing memory later. Example usage: int* const p = new int;

  4. const int* const p4: p4 can be initialized with the address of only one int ever (at declaration), and it cannot be used to alter the value of the int to which it points. Like p3, p4 can point to only one int over its lifetime.

    Read this declaration as “const pointer to const int”.

    This form too is rare for non-array pointers, and it is better to use const references instead. For example, use const int& r = i; instead of using const int* const r = &i;. Indeed functions routinely use const references to efficiently receive objects and assure that there are no side effects. For example, int compare(const std::string& s);

Note: The use of Forms 3 and 4 (the forms where the pointer is const) is unnecessary for parameter declarations because Forms 1 and 2 already guarantee that any change the called function makes to the pointer parameter does not have side effect. This guarantee is due to the pointer (that is, the address) being passed by value.

Study this program prepared to illustrate the declaration forms of non-array pointer parameters.

2.   Function return types

All four forms of pointer declarations listed in Section 1 may be used as function return types, but the compiler ignores the pointer constness in Forms 3 and 4. Thus, only Forms 1 and 2 are relevant to function return types.

Listing B shows the use of the four forms of pointer return types and calls out the places where the compiler ignores pointer constness. (Compiling the code linked in the listing’s caption produces warnings about ignored qualifiers. The code still runs.)

Listing B: forms of pointer return types (run this code)
int* f1() {
    return new int { 1 };

const int* f2() {
    return new int { 2 };

int* const f3() {          // ptr const qual ignored; returns int*
    return new int { 3 };

const int* const f4() {    // ptr const qual ignored; returns const int*
    return new int { 4 };

int main() {
    auto p1 = f1(); // type: int*
    auto p2 = f2(); // type: const int*
    auto p3 = f3(); // expected type: int* const; actual: int*
    auto p4 = f4(); // expected type: const int* const; actual: const int*

    //omit: save variables p1-p4 for later deleting

    p1 = p3;        // change ptr
    *p1 = 6;        // change data

    p2 = s1;        // change ptr
    *p2 = 6;        // error: can't change const data

    //omit: p3 and p4 behave as p1 and p2, respectively
    //omit: free dynamically-allocated ints using saved ptrs

3.   Pointers and arrays

Pointer declarations are relevant in the context of traditional arrays because every array “decays” to a pointer. For example, if a is an array of int values, then the type of a decays to int*. In other words, the type of a is compatible with int*. Likewise, if a is an array of const int values, then the type of a decays to const int*. Note that the const qualification is on data; not on the pointer.

Following the decay principle, it is possible to assign an array variable to a pointer variable of its decay type and place any of the four constness permutations on the pointer variable.

Array decay types are useful to receive array parameters, but as with non-array pointers, the use of pointer constness is uncommon. Study this program prepared to illustrate const qualification on an array’s decay types.

Array decay types with and without data constness are frequently used with C-strings, which are just char arrays. For example, the library function std::strcpy receives the destination array as char* so that it can be modified, but the function receives the source array as const char* because the source is only read.

Note: The term “pointer to array” is commonly used to mean a pointer to the first element of an array. Such a pointer is no different than any other pointer, except it is acceptable to perform “arithmetic” (that is, add an offset) with a pointer to an array. However, it is important that the result of pointer arithmetic be a pointer to some element of the array because dereferencing an “out of bounds” pointer results in undefined behavior (UB).

Avoid performing arithmetic on a pointer to non-array data, because dereferencing the resulting pointer also causes UB.

Listing C shows some examples of well-defined and undefined behaviors when pointers are dereferenced.

Listing C: well-defined and undefined behaviors when dereferencing (run this code)
int a[5]{ 3, 8, 0, 1, 7 }; // a's bound (size) is 5

int* p1 = a;        // p1 points to a[0]
int* p2 = a + 1;    // p2 points to a[1]
std::cout << "*p1: " << *p1 << '\n';
std::cout << "*p2: " << *p2 << '\n';

int* p3 = p1 + 5; // p3 points to a[5] which is out of bounds
std::cout << "*p3: " << *p3 << '\n'; // bad: UB

int x { 10 }; // x is not an array
int* p4 = &x; // OK to take address of x

p4++;    // p4 points to memory past x
*p4 = 1; // bad: UB

4.   Pointers and arrays of pointers

This section discusses constness of pointers to arrays of pointers. Because this topic comes up frequently in the context of command-line processing, the examples in this section use arrays of C-strings, but the details apply equally to arrays of pointers to any type of data.

Note: When processing command-line arguments, it may be better to transform C-strings into std::string or std::string_view objects, and if necessary, collect those objects in a container such as std::vector. However, there are situations where it is better to directly work with C-strings and arrays of C-strings. In those situations, take care to access only the portions of memory that are allocated for the data with which you are working.

A C++ program is able to receive command-line arguments with a main function of the form int main(int argc, char** argv), where argc is the number of arguments received and argv is a pointer to pointer to char. However, due to the array decay principle, the function can also be of the form int main(int argc, char* argv[]), where argv is an array of char pointers.

Given that an array of C-strings could be modeled either as an array of char pointers (say char* argv[]) or as a pointer to pointer to char (say char** argv), it helps to understand the effect of const qualifications in each case. The effect of the qualifications is the same whether the data is declared as a variable or a function parameter. However, because command-line arguments are often consumed by functions, the discussion and the examples in this section model the data as a parameter.

The following sub-sections summarize the effects of constness permutations of argv, a function parameter representing an array of C-strings. The effects are summarized under two headings: argv as an array of char pointers, and argv as a pointer to pointer to char.

Listing D shows some code to illustrate the effect of constness permutations. For simplicity only, the code assumes that the argument passed is an array of at least two C-strings and that the first C-string has at least one non-null character in it. The code at the link included in the listing’s caption has additional comments.

Note: The summaries show that it is better to receive argv as an array of char pointers (instead of a pointer to pointer to char), because that approach makes it possible for a function to guarantee that it does not modify the characters in the C-strings or the pointers to C-strings. It can provide this guarantee by declaring the parameter using Form 4 as follows: const char* const argv[]. Also, as evidenced in Listing D, this form makes the code more readable due to one less level of explicit indirection needed to access both the pointers to C-strings and the characters in C-strings.

4.1  Parameter is an array of char pointers

All permutations in this case permit modification of argv itself, and any such modification would not have side effect. Also, If any permutation permits modification of the pointers to C-strings or the characters in C-strings, such modification would have side effects.

  1. char* argv[]: Nothing is const. The characters in the C-strings and the pointers to C-strings may be modified.

  2. const char* argv[]: The characters in the C-strings are const, but the pointers to C-strings are not.

  3. char* const argv[]: The pointers to C-strings are const, but the characters in the the C-strings are not.

  4. const char* const argv[]: Both the characters in the C-strings and the pointers to C-strings are const.

4.2  Parameter is a pointer to pointer to char

All permutations in this case permit modification of the pointers to C-strings, and any such modification would have side effect. If any permutation permits modification of the characters in C-strings, such modification would also have side effects. However, where argv itself is modifiable, such modification would not have side effect.

  1. char** argv: Nothing is const. The characters in the C-strings and argv itself may be modified.

  2. const char** argv: The characters in the C-strings are const, but argv is not.

  3. char** const argv: argv is const, but the characters in the C-strings are not.

  4. const char** const argv: Both the characters in the C-strings and argv are const.

Listing D: forms of pointer to array of pointers (run this code)
Array of char pointers
static char s1[]{"g1"}, s2[]{"g2"},
            s3[]{"g3"}, s4[]{"g4"};

void g1(char* argv[]) {
    *argv[0] = '1'; // alter data
    argv[1] = s1;   // alter C-string ptr
    ++argv;         // alter argv

void g2(const char* argv[]) {
    *argv[0] = '2'; // error: const data
    argv[1] = s2;

void g3(char* const argv[]) {
    *argv[0] = '3';
    argv[1] = s3;   // error: const ptr

void g4(const char* const argv[]) {
    *argv[0] = '4'; // error: const data
    argv[1] = s4;   // error: const ptr
Pointer to pointer to char
static char s1[]{"g1"}, s2[]{"g2"},
            s3[]{"g3"}, s4[]{"g4"};

void g1(char** argv) {
    **argv = '1';     // alter data
    *(argv+1) = s1;   // alter C-string ptr
    ++argv;           // alter argv

void g2(const char** argv) {
    **argv = '2';   // error: const data
    *(argv+1) = s2;

void g3(char** const argv) {
    **argv = '3';
    *(argv+1) = s3;
    ++argv;         // error: const ptr

void g4(const char** const argv) {
    **argv = '4';   // error: const data
    *(argv+1) = s4;
    ++argv;         // error: const ptr

5.   Summary

Every pointer declaration can include up to two const qualifications, one for the data pointed, another for the pointer itself. As a result of this allowance, four constness permutations exist and each permutation has a corresponding declaration form. All four forms apply to variables, parameters, and function return types. However, two of the parameter declaration forms could be replaced by reference declarations in most cases, and the compiler ignores two of the forms of return type declarations.

The declaration forms apply to pointers to non-array data as well as array data. There are two different ways to model the decay type of an array of pointers and the two means subtly differ in their effect, with only one of those means offering complete safety.

Although it is generally better to use references instead of pointers, and containers instead of traditional arrays, some situations do require the use of pointers and traditional arrays. Thus, it is important to fully understand const qualification of pointers so as to maximize safety. For example, for maximal safety, a function to process command-line arguments should treat the arguments as an array of char pointers and impose both data constness and pointer constness on the array parameter.

6.   Exercises

Note: Complete the exercises in C++17 using GCC 10.1. Do not suppress any compiler warning. Use the following exact set of compiler options:

-std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic
  1. Write a program with the following functions. In main, print the type name of the value returned from each function. Also, briefly describe in English what the presence or absence of compiler warnings means with respect to each pair of functions.

    1. Two functions named a1 and a2, both returning some (any) int value, except the second function’s return type is const int.

    2. Two functions named b1 and b2, both returning a reference to a global int variable, except the second function’s return type is const int&.

    3. Two functions named c1 and c2, both returning a local default-initialized std::string object, except the second function’s return type is const std::string.

    4. Two functions named d1 and d2, both returning a reference to a default-initialized file-scoped std::string object, except the second function’s return type is const std::string&.

  2. Write four versions of a function to return the length of a C-string. Name the versions len_1, len_2, len_3, and len_4, and have each version receive a C-string parameter using a different permutation of constness. In the body of each version, declare/use only pointer variables and apply the strictest constness on the variables based on the operations performed on the variable. For example, if the pointer variable is not used to modify the data, give it data constness; if the address is not modified, (also) give it pointer constness.

    1. In main, call each of the four functions to find the length of the same C-string literal (for example, "hello"), and print the value returned from each call. Directly specify the literal as the argument in all four function calls. Use any casting operations necessary to remove any compiler error or warning. (Do not suppress errors or warnings using compiler options.)

    2. Also in main, call each of the four functions again to find the length of some text the user supplies at run time, and print the value returned from each call. Use the same user-supplied text in all four calls. Model the user-supplied text as a C-string and assume the user enters no more than 99 characters.

    3. Which version of the length function is safest for another function to call in terms of assuring no side effect to the caller? Why?

    4. Which version of the length function is safest within itself in terms of assuring that only the variables (including the parameter) intended to be modified are modified? If none of four versions is the safest within itself, write another version you deem is safest (OK to use non-pointer variables). Explain how the new version improves safety within the function.

    5. Which version of the length function is “safe enough” for use overall? Why?

    6. Is there some code that can be used unchanged as the entire function body in all four initial versions of the length function? If yes, what is it? If no such code exists, why not?

    7. Write a new version of the length function that declares no variables in its body and provides its parameter both data constness and pointer constness. This version should not call any other version of the length function.


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