
Special Interest Group on C++

03 Apr 2020

Efficiently processing immutable text

Sean Murthy

Introduced in C++17, the STL class std::string_view provides more efficient ways than std::string to process immutable (read only) text data. It also provides a safer means to perform read-only operations on character arrays. Overall, using std::string_view for read-only operations on text data can improve execution speed as well as reduce both main-memory usage and executable size. It can also make programs safer and more maintainable.

This is Part 1 of a 3-part series on std::string_view. This part focuses on efficiency of std::string_view over std::string. Part 2 focuses on safety. Part 3 provides guidelines for using std::string_view.

1.   Creating string_view objects

std::string_view is just a read-only wrapper around a character array (“a constant contiguous sequence of char-like objects”, to be precise [string.view]).

A string_view object can be created using one of its five constructors:

  1. Default constructor: represents an empty string
  2. Copy constructor
  3. Custom constructor which accepts a character array and a size
  4. Custom constructor which accepts a C-string
  5. Custom constructor which accepts a range of characters as iterators (not discussed in this post)

A string_view object can also be constructed using or be assigned from a std::string object because std::string defines an operator to return a string_view version of a string object. For example, the following creation operations are permitted:

std::string s{"hello"};
std::string_view sv1{s};  // initialize from string using copy ctor
std::string_view sv2 = s; // initialize by assigning a string

Note: Part 2 of this series examines string_view creation means in more detail.

2.   Creation efficiency

For starters, compare the effect of creating an object to work with the text "hello" using std::string and std::string_view. A comparison of the code generated shows the following differences:

  1. std::string s1("hello");
    • 316 instructions: 32 in main
    • Calls to constructors of std::allocator and std::basic_string
    • Calls to destructors of std::allocator and std::basic_string
    • Several calls to constructors, destructors, and other functions in supporting classes
  2. std::string_view s1("hello");
    • 95 instructions: 10 in main
    • Call to constructor of std::basic_string_view
    • Just two calls to supporting functions

Because higher number of instructions does not necessarily mean poor code, and because it is possible std::string has greater fixed overhead, it is helpful to study the code generated when two object declarations are made: The std::string approach (“string approach” going forward) has 24 additional instructions in main, whereas the std::string_view approach (“string_view approach” going forward) has just four additional instructions in main. Thus, simplistically speaking, we could say that each declaration of string object adds about 24 instructions, whereas each declaration of a string_view object adds only about four instructions. (Revise the code to declare three objects in each approach and see if the growth numbers hold.)

However, the more salient observation is that the string approach results in multiple calls to elaborate functions which can reduce execution speed. For example, Listing A shows a program to measure the elapsed wall time to create 500,000 empty objects using both the string and string_view approaches. The exact elapsed time can vary across runs, but the results from this program consistently show that the string approach is an order of magnitude slower than the string_view approach (for example, 5 msecs versus 0.7 msecs).

Listing A: measure time to create string and string_view objects (run this code)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <chrono>

int main() {
    //construct many std::string instances
    auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 500000; ++i)
        std::string s;

    auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = end-start;
    std::cout << "string: " << elapsed.count() << "s\n";

    //construct many std::string_view instances
    start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 500000; ++i)
        std::string_view sv;

    end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    elapsed = end-start;
    std::cout << "string_view: " << elapsed.count() << "s\n";

Note: It can be instructive to change Listing A to pass an empty C-string literal to the constructor in each approach. For example, in the string approach, use std::string s{""} instead of std::string s;. This simple change should significantly increase the elapsed time for both approaches, meaning we should use the default constructor when representing empty text.

Likewise, it can also be instructive to study the results after revising Listing A to use the copy constructor in each approach. For this study, add the following lines to the beginning of function main. Then change the constructor call in each loop to use the copy constructor, passing either cs or csv to the constructor, depending on the approach. For example, for the string approach, change std::string s; to std::string s(cs);.

const std::string cs{"pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs"};
const std::string_view csv{"pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs"};

3.   Processing efficiency

Generally speaking, std::string_view supports only the sub-set of the functionality of std::string that pertains to the following operations: reading array elements, obtaining read-only iterators, finding text size, extracting a read-only sub-string, comparing with another string_view, and searching for sub-strings. In addition to these functions, the <string_view> header includes functions to perform relational operations on string_view objects and a function to insert a string_view to an output stream.

In short, std::string_view is designed to be a drop-in replacement for std::string as far as read-only operations are concerned. However, some of the string_view operations are more efficient than their string counterparts. For example, the function substr to return a substring is more efficient because its return value is a new string_view object which we have already established is more efficient to create than creating a new string object.

Listing B shows a program to extract space-delimited words from some text. It is written using std::string_view, but the program works if the type name std::string_view is replaced with std::string throughout the program, and the <string> header is included instead of the <string_view> header.

If the word-extraction in Listing B is performed a large number of times (a simple version, a templatized version) using both string and string_view approaches, it becomes apparent that the string approach is slower (25%-150%) than the string_view approach.

(For simplicity, the links included in the preceding paragraph use command-line compiler options to globally suppress warnings about some unused variables. However, it is better to selectively suppress warnings locally from within code. See Jonathan Boccara’s post on this topic.)

Listing B: extract space-delimited words (run this code)
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main() {
    const std::string_view sv{"pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs"};

    std::string_view::size_type pos{sv.find(' ')}, lastPos = 0;
    while(pos != std::string_view::npos) {
        std::cout << sv.substr(lastPos, pos-lastPos) << '\n';
        lastPos = pos+1;
        pos = sv.find(' ', lastPos);

    std::cout << sv.substr(lastPos, pos-lastPos) << '\n';

4.   Modification efficiency

Contrary to what their names suggest, the modifier functions of string_view do not alter the character array wrapped. Instead, they alter two internal data members used to provide the entire string_view functionality. The two internal data members are:

(In contrast, many of the modifier functions of std::string actually alter data.)

The modifier functions remove_prefix and remove_suffix have the effect of reducing the part of the array on which the string_view can operate. Function remove_prefix advances the data pointer by the specified number of positions and also reduces size by the same amount. In contrast, remove_suffix leaves the data pointer unchanged but reduces size by the specified count. This simple approach to modification provides string_view considerable efficiency over the function erase defined for string objects.

Listing C shows a program to extract space-delimited words from a string_view using function remove_prefix. A comparison with Listing B shows that Listing C is a bit easier to read and maintain. However, a comparison of the approaches in Listings B and C shows that Listing B’s approach is marginally faster (1%-2%). This behavior is expected because remove_prefix in Listing C does more work than Listing B does in changing the value of variable lastPos. Yet, with the increase in execution speed being relatively small, in some cases, one might prefer using the Listing C approach due to its improved readability and maintainability.

Listing C: extract space-delimited words through modification (run this code)
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

int main() {
    std::string_view sv{"pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs"};

    std::string_view::size_type pos{sv.find(' ')};
    while(pos != std::string_view::npos) {
        std::cout << sv.substr(0, pos) << '\n';
        pos = sv.find(' ');

    std::cout << sv << '\n';

With strings, word extraction by modification is similar to what is shown in Listing C except the call to remove_prefix needs to be replaced with a call to function erase.

A comparison of word-extraction through modification in the string and string_view approaches shows that the string approach is slightly slower (20%-160%).

5.   Part-1 summary

Overall, std::string_view provides more efficient ways to process immutable data than std::string does. This efficiency is seen in object creation, general processing, and “modification”.

Whereas this part of the 3-part series on string_view focuses on efficiency, Part 2 focuses on safety. Part 3 provides guidelines on using string_view.


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