
Special Interest Group on C++

20 Apr 2020

Guidelines for processing immutable text

Sean Murthy

This post presents detailed guidelines for using std::string_view. It includes a total of 21 guidelines, grouped into five categories.

This post concludes the 3-part series on processing immutable text. Part 1 of the series focuses on efficiency aspects of processing immutable text. Part 2 focuses on safety.

1.   General

Overall, there are three means to model immutable text: character arrays (including C-strings), std::string (“string”), and std::string_view (“string_view”). The guidelines in this section pertain to choosing among the three means.

  1. Prefer string_view over character arrays. A character array uses less memory (string_view maintains both a pointer and a size), but the benefit from the memory saved is small compared to the safety obtained with a string_view. Also, working directly with an array often requires carrying array size in an additional variable (or requires computing length in case of C-strings).

  2. Prefer string_view over string if many objects are created either directly using constructors or indirectly using substr function (because string creation is slower). Likewise, prefer string_view over string if many assignments are made.

  3. const qualify immutable data. In a situation where data is mutable and a part of the code performs immutable operations, refactor the part with immutable operations into a separate function and receive const parameters in the new function.

  4. Model compile-time constants as string_view instead of character arrays or string objects.

  5. Mark compile-time constants constexpr if the increased compilation time is acceptable. (Excessive use of constexpr could significantly increase compile time for large programs.)

    const char z1[]{"hello"};            // lighter than string_view; less safe
    const std::string s1{"hello"};       // heavier and slower than string_view
    const std::string_view sv1{"hello"}; // see the note on const qualification
    constexpr char z2[]{"hello"};
    constexpr std::string s2{"hello"};       // since C++20
    constexpr std::string_view sv2{"hello"};

    Note: Data in a string_view is immutable even if the string_view is not const qualified. The effect of const qualification is to prevent assignment and the use of modifier functions.

    It is good practice to const qualify string_views and selectively remove const where assignment or modification is required.

2.   “Run-time” data

  1. If text is read at run time and is immutable after reading, model the text as a character array or a string object and create a string_view after the text is read. This 2-step approach is required because, expectedly, string_view does not provide any means to read text.

    char z3[10];                // z3 cannot be const
    std::cin >> z3;             // safe only if fewer than 10 chars are read
    std::string_view sv3_1{z3}; // sv3_1 provides read-only access to z3
    std::string s3;             // s3 cannot be const
    std::cin >> s3;             // safe to read large amount of text
    std::string_view sv3_2{s3}; // sv3_2 provides read-only access to data in s3

3.   Specific to character arrays

Note: For ease of writing, this section uses the term “bare array” to mean a character array that is not null-terminated, and the term “character array” to mean an array that may or may not be null-terminated.

  1. Use string_view instead of character array if find, sub-string, comparison, and iteration operations are required. All these operations on string_view are generally safer than comparable operations performed directly on arrays.

  2. Use string_view instead of an array if array size should also be tracked, and it is often necessary to track array size. In fact, only a local array (with automatic storage) can ever be used without explicitly knowing its size, and even that use is limited to the sizeof operator and range-based for loops (as illustrated in this program).

  3. Use string_view if the code should work for both C-strings and bare arrays. Using string_view expands the contexts in which code can be used while also improving efficiency, safety, and maintainability.

    For example, consider function vowel_count in Listing D of Part 2. The string_view overload there works for any kind of character arrays, but the const char* overload works only for C-strings. Indeed, anyone attempting Exercise 4 of Part 2 sees that supporting vowel_count for bare arrays can result in inefficient code, redundant code, or somewhat convoluted (less maintainable) code.

  4. Avoid using a character array directly while it is also wrapped in a string_view, or do so with a lot of care. For example, avoid mixing access as shown in the following code segment. If such mixed access is required, it may be better to model text as a mutable string object:

    char z[]{"hello"};
    std::string_view sv{z};    // create a string_view for immutability
    std::strncpy(z+1, "a", 1); // mutable operation directly on z
    //... other mutable and immutable operations directly/indirectly on z
    std::cout << sv;           // immutable operation on z
  5. Replace const character array parameters with string_views. However, it is OK to receive an array parameter and create a string_view at an appropriate juncture within the function. The idea is to get the benefit of using string_view but prevent premature creation of string_view objects in the calling function, if the called function is less likely or unlikely to use the parameter.

    If a function receives a non-const array parameter, see if the function really performs mutable operations. If it does not, add const qualification to the parameter or change the parameter to string_view.

4.   Specific to string objects

  1. Use string, not string_view, if access to null-terminated data is required. The data function member of string is guaranteed to return a null-terminated array (since C++11), and the return value is never nullptr. In contrast, the same function in string_view returns a null-terminated array only if the array used to construct the string_view is null-terminated. Also, that function returns nullptr for a default-initialized string_view.

    I recommend studying this program (presented in Part 2) to visualize the differences in the behavior of data function between string and string_view.

  2. Replace const string variables with string_view. std::string_view is a drop-in replacement for std::string as far as immutable operations are concerned.

  3. Replace const string parameters received by value with string_view.

  4. Replace const string parameters received by reference with string_view reference only if the function calls the substr function many times, because sub-string creation is slower with std::string due to new object construction.

    It is not beneficial to replace a const std::string& with const std::string_view& if the function does not create sub-strings, because the change would unnecessarily create a new string_view object when the existing string object already provides the same functionality and efficiency.

  5. Create a function template if a function should work with both string and string_view arguments without converting a string to string_view and vice versa. This need is likely to arise as the use of string_views increases over time. For example, it makes sense to have function vowel_count work with both string and string_view arguments without creating a new object first.

5.   Using string_view

  1. Do not let a string_view object outlive the data it wraps. Part 2 discusses the safety issue that motivates this guideline.

  2. Check string_view size before accessing data. The subscript operator as well as functions front, back, remove_prefix, and remove_suffix do not check bounds and thus can result in undefined behavior. Use the at function if bounds checking is required.

  3. Use subscript operator instead of at function to improve speed, but only if it is certain that index cannot be out of bounds. The subscript operator is faster only because it does not check bounds.

  4. Avoid using the data function directly. Instead, use task-specific functions and operators. For example:

    • Use member functions such as at, find, substr, and copy
    • Use iterators: Also, for cleaner code, use range-based for loops where possible
    • Use the algorithms library where possible
    • Use operators such as subscript, comparison, and stream insertion
  5. Do not cast away constness of data. Sometimes it might be necessary to use the data member when invoking a function that can only receive a character array, but beware of functions that require a non-const array. Having to remove constness is a code smell and a hint that the program design needs to be reviewed.

    Instead of removing constness, copy the string_view data to another array and work on the copy. However, the copy and the string_view data are not synchronized. If string_view’s data should match the copy after it is worked on, assign the copy back to the string_view.

    I recommend studying this program prepared to illustrate some means and side effects of removing constness from string_view data. The program also includes an example of copying string_view data, changing the copy, and then assigning the changed copy back to string_view.

    Note: An alternative to creating a copy of string_view data is to model the text as mutable string and use the data function of string to access the array.

6.   Summary

As Part 1 of this series shows, std::string_view can be more efficient than std::string when working with immutable text. And, as Part 2 shows, string_view is safer than directly operating on an immutable character array. However, there are many efficiency and safety considerations to be made when using string_view. The guidelines included in this post are designed to help make informed choices.

7.   Exercise

Write a function template to count the number of vowel occurrences in an immutable string or an immutable string_view.


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